And Then There Was A Porch

me and my drill

I do like a picture of me and my power tools.

the caravan interior

I finally laid the lino flooring that I found in a skip. It looks better than the picture seems to imply. It’s a dark faux-wood flooring style, it’s quite classy, though it was sticky and a bit smelly til I washed it several times. The down side of pulling things out of skips.

Anna working on the porch

I’d cut all the pieces to size so it went up pretty quickly, and luckily it felt pretty sturdy with the bits of triangulation I put in the plan.

the sawing station

Not being bothered to bring the wood-holding jaws of death up to the top of the plot, I had to use the top of the wall (with the 3 metre drop on my left) as a sawhorse.

nailing on the siding

I had just enough leftover shiplap from the gables of the cabin to do about 2/3 of the windward side of the porch, and I’m going to cut a piece of glass for the top bit. Since I have a lot of excess glass.

Anna mulching the grass seed

As a finishing touch, Anna raked the rest of the ground, spread grass seed and mulched it. I hope we’ll see green shoots by the end of my parents’ stay.

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