It’s been a good couple of days for having things without paying for them.
Just as I was finishing the floor of this porch, which I made out of offcuts and leftovers from the shed, and was thinking I’d have to break down and go and buy some 2×3 to build the rest, my neighbour showed up with a van full of 2×3 that had previously been a stud wall. There’s exactly enough to build the posts, roof and seat, plus a nice bit of firewood to add to the pile.
I did find, however, that I haven’t got the right width of roof, so I won’t build the rest of it until I have been to B&Q for a bit of that.
The same neighbour also brought a steel bath in good nick, which will have to get stashed in a corner somewhere until I think of a good place to build my prototype outdoor hot tub.
And in a truly serendipitous moment yesterday, I walked past a skip in town that had rolls of unused lino flooring, which I’d been thinking I’d have to buy to use in the caravans. So I popped a few of them in my boot (too bad I couldn’t take the perfectly good wooden bedframe that was also in the skip) and now just hope I have time to lay it before my parents arrive.