Clean Caravans

This week’s task is to tackle the caravans which haven’t been properly cleared out and cleaned since we ostensibly moved out of them last summer. They were (in one case still are) full of the bits and pieces that had accumulated in them while we lived in them and it was really high time I dealt with it.

I cleared out one of them, and am in the process of re-upholstering all the seat cushions and making new curtains, and today, since it was sunny and almost something like a bit warm, I took countless buckets of rainwater up there and scrubbed them down on the outsides of both. I didn’t take a “before” picture, basically out of shame, and it’s too dark now to take an “after” picture, but I will do when I post pictures of the whole re-decorated cottage-cute wonderfulness of them. It’s going well and I anticipate being really happy with the results.

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