The Rustic Life

me on the laptop in the building

I don’t know what we spent our time on before we got electricity. And blogging is so much easier when you can do it the day things happen. Or the day after.

Alec and I spent a bit of yesterday afternoon mooching around Hebden Bridge, which I’d been really aching to do for ages. There are a lot of really nice shops with really nice dresses and stuff in the windows, and a shoe shop to absolutely die for. Sadly, I’m now so good at this not-spending-money thing, I’m not even properly tempted, just a bit despondent at not being able to have the shoes. However, it does inspire me to go get all my shoemaking stuff out and have a go again.

coffee shop

We tried out another coffee shop, which was fine, lovely sunny window seats and good selection, but I think Organic House is my favourite so far.

We also went to the stove shop to get a missing nozzle for the silicone sealant he’d sold me the day before. They’re really friendly and helpful in there, like pretty much everyone around here. He talked me through the whole process of installing my chimney, which I did entirely successfully (still got to do the silicone rain seal) and we set about trying to find any decent firewood on site, of which there was one bit of log that had been stored under cover and off the ground. I got out the axe and found that you can take the girl out of Vermont, but…

wood-chopping 1wood-chopping 2wood-chopping 3But we did the first couple of burns with offcuts of the roofing timbers, because we’re saving the good stuff for the Official Inaugural Burn when Elmo gets here tonight.

my stove

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