I Feel Bad But…

… I kind of love lockdown.

I mean, obviously a global pandemic is a very bad thing and for the people who are dying and the people who love them, this could not be worse, but if you’re lucky enough to be locked down in a beautiful place with a big garden, a plentiful supply of well rotted horse manure and the produce of seemingly every plant nursery in the UK being sold off at ridiculous prices by the supermarkets, you can pass the time quite happily transforming this:

Into this:

The plentiful supply of well rotted horse manure is maybe not considered an essential, but the farmer was quite happy for us to go get a load this morning, so we did.

The weather’s been absolutely stunning, Julian’s got a proper tan, and the garden has really never looked better.

My new yellow shoes have looked better.

It’s rhubarb season and the gin is in. As well as the pie. And crumble.


My kitchen is taking shape!

And I finally glazed that window in what is now the scrubs-sewing room.

I just can’t get enough of this lockdown!

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