Burn Everything


Everyone came round, we dragged all the crummy old bits of wood into a heap and set it on fire. It was marvellous.


Some of those of us fonder of fire did build it rather large. They did not burn down the warming hut, contrary to what it may look like.


We ate lovely food, and although I had only counted 10, there turned out to be 12 of us. Well, there was enough and we all fit, just, so it was fine.


By the next day, this is all that was left of 5 years worth of accumulated crap that I fooled myself was a good idea to keep “just in case”. Such a life cleanse.


Another task that was long overdue was the cleaning of the outdoor kitchen, which Bob and Jen did an admirable job of. If you want anything cleaned thoroughly, I tell you, put Jen on it. Now we can actually use the space again.

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