Anna’s Birthday Party

A random selection of snapshots (kindly provided by Jane) of Anna’s birthday weekend.

Communing with Anna's birthday cake

The cake was one Gog Magog Molly could be proud of.

the other end of the breakfast table

Scenes from the outdoor kitchen.

The breakfast table

The chicken house has made no further progress lately. Still no chickens.

leaning against the chicken house

This was Jane’s first time here, so she took pictures of the porch…

view of the summer kitchen from the porch

The garden…

view of the garden

And the cabin. Which is nice because I often forget to take pictures of what I look at every day.

View of the cabin

The exciting event was taking Boggarts up to Heptonstall and having a photo shoot at the old church.

Fixing Jane's Mask

We got dolled up in our Boggarts Evening Kit finery.

Getting ready at Heptonstall

Nobody thought this was odd at all… see for further explanation of what this was all about.

Alec and Daniel at Heptonstall

Elmo led a walk up the hill and a few bits of bilberry picking took place. I intend to make time for proper bilberry picking soon. I intend to make gin with one batch.

Esther picking bilberries

Everyone enjoyed the view over Todmorden from the rocks.

The View from the Rocks

Especially Jane. Thanks for the pictures, Jane.

Jane Admiring the View

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