Water! For Real!

the water meter

We’d known about the water meter for ages, in the bottom shed, and we’d spent about a year figuring out what happened between the pipe leaving the property and joining (or failing to join) the mains pipe.

turning the water on

Elmo eventually found the right flagstone on the property below ours to dig underneath, and yesterday Mr Yorkshire Water kindly came and clamped the pipe so we could do some plumbing.


After an initial small fountain from a leaky joint (which Elmo fixed quite easily) we had cold, clear, running water!

Elmo drinking the water!

An excellent birthday present from Elmo to himself!

Anna strimming

Meanwhile, it’s 21 degrees and sunny here, and Anna’s just done a bit more strimming to make room for the tents of this weekend’s guests.

She came back covered in tiny bits of plant, though this picture doesn’t do justice, either to the coverage of the tiny bits or the cute face she was making. Still, it warranted inclusion on the strength of its cuteness nonetheless.

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